Janine – Newfield


Janine is very well organised and manages her time effectively and efficiently and is prepared for our home visits with all her paperwork all filled in ready for collection. Janine is very capable and efficient and has many years experience as a home based educator. She has great strategies to put whānau at ease and utilises any transitions as an opportunity to learn and discuss what to expect offering emotional support and guidance. Janine offers assistance for both Tamariki and whānau to cope with change and overcome challenges making a smooth transition into home based. Janine encourages plenty of settling visits and also asks parents to attend our playgroup with their tamariki where they are warmly welcomed and active participants.
Janine is a planner and creates a weekly plan of outings and morning activities that fill in her week and keep the Tamariki challenged and stimulated. There are outings into nature with the local parks and reserves, in the school holiday, and attends the weekly playgroup, mainly music, the drop in gym and the Salvation Army music
Janine is very focussed on learning and getting children to the next step and challenging them to resolve conflict by looking for a solution, providing the words or support when required.
Celebrations- Janine has a great rapport with the children and celebrates birthdays and other special events, celebrating with their peers.

Janine’s roll is currently full. Inquire for up-coming space availability.